Someone broke into my car Saturday night. Although, since Samantha's dumbass left the passenger door unlocked, I guess you can't really call it breaking in. The point is, my CD's are gone. As well as my iPod. Now, the iPod...I don't really care about. I didn't use it that much anyway. But my CD's.....there were over 500....gone. They could have taken anything in the car, but instead they chose the one thing that gives my life meaning. My music.
Samantha said she would replace the iPod, but as I said, I don't give a fuck about the iPod. I just want my fucking CD's replaced. How damn hard is it to lock the fucking door?? I've never gotten out of a car and left the door unlocked unless it was in my garage. Those CD's meant everything to me. Everything. They didn't mean anything to anyone but me. As of July 19th, I'm done. I give up. I can't take it anymore.
Please be safe.