Friday, May 13, 2011

Underworld, binges, and lack of records

Today I bought the last Underworld film. For some reason, I really wanted to watch it again. I also binged majorly, and I haven't been keeping records of my daily food intake. I haven't been binging (with the exception of today), but it still frustrates me. I hate that I've been so fucking busy and tired that I don't even have time to record what I eat.

I'm taking a break from OoTS, and I'm working on a new project entitled "Bits and Pieces". I have a character that is a combination of myself and Joan Jett (appropriately called "Joan"), and one that is a combination of Erin and Cherie Currie (former lead singer of The Runaways and close friend of Joan Jett) that is called Bronwyn. I'll post it when it is completed. It is a story filled with drugs, eating disorders, self-injury, abuse, depression, alcohol, and coffee.

In other news, the musicians have started laying down their parts for my new song "Keep Going". I can't wait for the finished product! Anyway, tomorrow I have to work from 12:00-20:00. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. The story sounds intriguing(I highly doubt I spelt that right).
    Cool for the song. You should upload it on here or something so we can listen. :)
