This is two-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony, killed circa June 16, 2008.
The Casey Anthony trial (officially titled the State of Florida v. Casey Marie Anthony, 48-2008-CF-015606-O) was a criminal trial held in Orlando, Florida from May 9 to July 5, 2011 in the state's Ninth Judicial Circuit Court involving the death of two year old Caylee Marie Anthony. Caylee's mother, Casey Marie Anthony, was arrested on July 16, 2008 and indicted on charges of first degree murder on October 14, 2008. On April 13, 2009, prosecutors announced they would seek the death penalty. Anthony maintained that she was innocent and that the child died accidentally by drowning in the family swimming pool.
On July 5, 2011, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of first degree murder, aggravated manslaughter of a child, and aggravated child abuse. She was found guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. On July 7, 2011, she was sentenced to one year in jail and $1,000 in fines for each count. With credit for time served and good behavior, her release date was set for July 17, 2011.
Anyway, I believe the jury made the wrong decisioon and it's absolutely horrible that the bitch gets to walk free. It's enough to make me lose respect for jurors on a case like this. That innocent little child was murdered, and the woman who did it (her own mother, nonetheless!) is going to be released in seven days! What the fuck? I may not like children, nor do I want them, but I would never murder one. I don't believe in abortion unless it's the result of rape and is a danger to the mother and/or child, but there is such a thing as adoption. That bitch is seriously thinking about having another child! If she didn't want Caylee, she should have given her to a family that would have loved her. Why on earth would she want another one??
Moving on to the people I've gained respect for. The men of the country music group Rascal Flatts. Now, I only their sad songs, (with the exception of "Fast Cars and Freedom") and they're writing a song for Caylee Anthony. They've gained more of my respect, not that they really give a damn about having my respect, but there you are. Anyway, thanks for reading. What are your thoughts on the Casey Anthony trial?
RIP Caylee Marie Anthony. You WILL get justice someday.
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