I was waiting until I reached my GW, but I realised if I did that, I'd be waiting for a long time, and by that time I might have talked myself out of it.
This will also be even more incentive to make myself work harder.
I am now vegetarian, and so far it's working well for me.
With my hair being dark, the style it's cut in, and my tattoo, Samantha said I look like Joan Jett.
I wouldn't mind if it were true, because Joan Jett is so pretty and fucking badass.
Samantha said I also have a very "Fuck the world. If you don't like me, shut the fuck up because I don't give a damn" attitude, which made her think of Joan Jett.
Anyway, Sunday is Easter, and go fucking figure-I have to work.
I was supposed to be off, but Amber asked if I would cover her shift.
I'll be making double money, so I'm not complaining much.
Well, I guess that's all I have time to write now.
My tattoo.